10 Things I Wish I Had Known Earlier

Like most, I have learnt several lessons over the years (mostly through making mistakes) and I thought I’d share some of the most prevalent things I have learnt and have ultimately positively changed my life.

  1. You do not need to know your ‘passion’

After filling out thousands of ‘what is your passion’ questionnaires, reading the career sections of my zodiac sign and frantically taking personality tests, I have learned that there is no need. Passions are overrated. It is extremely rare that you have been brought into this world to do one (single) thing. Your passion is continuously developing. You learn what you like through doing the things you don’t like and with experience things start to fall into place. But after having asked 20, 40 and 60 year olds the same question and almost all of them telling me they also don’t know, it has become clear that we really don’t need to know.

2. You are not running out of time 

To put this into perspective, Martha Stewart (aged 35), Vera Wang (39), Colonel Sander (51) & Estee Lauder (40) … to list a few, started their businesses later in their lives. So it is never to late to start over, change path, dream big. You have more time than you think.

3. Consistency is everything

Everyone who has become anything has been consistent. The easiest way to prove this is to think about people who suddenly went viral. Where are they now? If you don’t know where they are, it shows you how you can have a platform, you can be given attention but if you aren’t consistent it won’t mean anything.

4. Be authentic & honest

If you share your honest self, you will attract those you appreciate you for who you truly are. And authentic connection may be the most important thing…in life.

5. Dream BIG - as big as you can

Manifestation is real. You can manifest anything. Imagine your wildest dreams, create vision boards, write down the steps you’ll need to achieve this. If you don’t believe me, read The Secret.

6. Read a lot

Speaking of… read as much as you can about the things you’re interested in. If you’re interested in business read the top business books, if you want to be a guitarist, read books on playing guitar. Knowledge is more than power, it’s the direct path to your success.

7. Cherish the people that are really there for & support you

As time goes by, friends that just float around your life or drain you of energy become less and less important. Those that support you, truly love you and want to see you thrive will truly count. So cut the ‘dead weight’, I promise it’ll be so much better for you.

8. Collaborate & don’t compete

Change your mindset from seeing others that are you in your field/industry/business doing better than you as competition. See them as opportunities to collaborate and proof that what you are doing can and will progress.

9. Be grateful 

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools in manifestation and mindfulness. It improves your wellbeing, strengthens your relationships and improves happiness. More on this to come.

10. You were not made to be liked by everyone

This is something I personally struggled with and still sometimes struggle with. Wanting to be liked is a common and pro-social behaviour. But the truth is that it is impossible be liked by everyone or even most. Focus on appreciating the people who do like and support you and forget about the rest. If you spread yourself too thin, you’ll just end up losing yourself.

Let me know what lessons you have learned, and wish you had known earlier! Comment below.


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