Seeing The Positives In Covid-19

With a feeling of guilt, I have found myself actively thinking about the positives that this pandemic is bringing. Within all the tragedy, I have found it hard not to marvel at the human spirit. And I haven’t been alone. I have seen countless articles, posts, and videos that talk about these ‘silver linings’ — and found them pretty inspiring.

Don’t get me wrong, it is devastating; and when confronted with the mortalities… humbling. But in the moments between news stories, things tend to feel pretty ‘normal’, and there’s room to joke, contemplate shows to binge on, become a chef and scroll the feed of great things friends, family, and those around me are now creating and doing. I’ve seen people start writing, create art and music, cook Michelin Star meals, educate themselves, and advocate for others. On a larger scale, you see the improvements to the environment, the prioritizing of loved ones, the growing community spirit, the focus on health and wellness, and the straight hustle!

In a tragic time, people have decided to explore their passions and work on their dreams. They have spoken to their loved ones more than ever and understood the importance of community.

While I wish these things had come about differently, I look forward to seeing what the future holds for those around me. I look forward to the new businesses that pop up, the art that will hang in the living rooms, and the bonds that are formed. I hope we keep these ideals going forward.

To end, I wanted to add the quote that prompted me to write this short article, and seemed to fit the situation well:

This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.” — Toni Morrison

Stay inside. Stay safe.


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