Why It Has Never Been More Important To Dress for You

By Evie McArthur

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and felt like you were staring back at the best version of ‘you’? 

We live in a world where women are expected to meet the ideals created for them by society. Exposing too much flesh is seen as provocative and outrageous, whereas covering up is seen as being too conservative and prudent. The criticism women face for dressing or behaving in whatever way they choose is at an all-time high. This is majorly due to the modern world we live in and the obsession to portray yourself as ‘perfect’. Every selfie is scrutinised, every outfit is picked apart and every life is judged. But not by other people, by ourselves. There is no way you can satisfy everybody. And ultimately, the most important person to satisfy, is yourself. So, when we come to terms with the fact that our own worst critic is ourselves, we are opening ourselves up to a world of freedom. 

Think back to when you were a child and spent hours upon hours playing dress up, playing around with clothes until you felt satisfied with the creation that made you feel proud. Why did we stop doing that? We have let ourselves be programmed by society, dressing how we think we should, rather than how we want to. Which is exactly why every woman should stick two fingers up to society, and to our inner critic, and do and wear whatever they want. 

Fashion is not only clothes and accessories. It is a tool that can be used to craft your individuality to create your own personal style that not only makes you look good, but makes you feel good. When I was studying at college a few years ago, I truly experimented with my own personal style. I certainly went through some questionable phases. But, these phases, although looking back and cringing at certain photos of myself, were vital. Were it not for me trying out these different looks, I would not have found my current look that I feel is true to myself. Now, at the age of 21, I have found a style that makes me feel confident. I thoroughly enjoy styling outfits for myself because I know how happy finding a good outfit makes me feel. I assure you, once you start focusing on making yourself the best version of you, the happiness will follow.

So, I challenge whoever is reading this to set an hour or so aside to go through your wardrobe. Look at all of the clothing you have collected over the years. Experiment and create outfits that make you feel like the purest version of you. This current lockdown is a perfect opportunity to find what makes you content within yourself. I promise you, by feeling good on the inside, you will shine on the outside.


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