How Attendance-Based Bonuses Discriminate Against Women, Non-Binary and Disabled People

Snide Remarks, Sarcasm and Being Told to be More Submissive: Dealing with the Aftermath of Workplace Racism
Career & Money Megan Willis Career & Money Megan Willis

Snide Remarks, Sarcasm and Being Told to be More Submissive: Dealing with the Aftermath of Workplace Racism

Depression, suicidal thoughts, an abusive upbringing and a stint in a psychiatric hospital were all things I’d braved. Still, none of that quite prepared me for being twenty-five and unknowingly losing myself to a job that was insistent on making me, an African American woman, prove my worth in gold. Oddly enough, my white counterparts weren’t subjected to the same insistence…

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Salt and Sister Studio: How My Sister and I Started a Brown-Owned Business to Escape Toxic Workplaces

Salt and Sister Studio: How My Sister and I Started a Brown-Owned Business to Escape Toxic Workplaces

The main driving force behind starting our own business, above the flexible working hours and the creative autonomy, was that we would never have to shrink ourselves for a Managing Director’s ego again. We could finally escape the pitfalls of toxic work environments, something we both have a lot of experience with…

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