‘Can You Really Be a Queer Muslim?’: Intersectionality and the Complexity of Identity

Why Language is Important When Talking About Disabilities
Identity Megan Willis Identity Megan Willis

Why Language is Important When Talking About Disabilities

Without knowing it, we use ableist language every day. In the process of doing so, simultaneously we differentiate and treat those with disabilities as less than. If we change the way we address people with disabilities by not using ableist language, we can stop stigmatising those who appear or act ‘different’…

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Why Can’t Autistic People Donate Eggs?
Identity Megan Willis Identity Megan Willis

Why Can’t Autistic People Donate Eggs?

The cause of autism is not definitely known, although genetic inheritance is the most widely believed theory. Not letting autistic people donate their eggs due to autism sends a clear message to them and every autistic person out there: we want to remove you and your genetics from the population. This attitude will not exist in a vacuum and will spread, whether overtly or covertly, into the treatment of autistic people…

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