‘Can You Really Be a Queer Muslim?’: Intersectionality and the Complexity of Identity

‘Bisexuality was Only Ever Presented as this Liminal Phase’: Discovering My Sexuality Amid Biphobia and Confusion
Identity Megan Willis Identity Megan Willis

‘Bisexuality was Only Ever Presented as this Liminal Phase’: Discovering My Sexuality Amid Biphobia and Confusion

It’s so completely valid to go from identifying as bisexual to gay, straight or anything else. I only applaud those who share their truth and journey of identity so openly. But what I found difficult was the fact that bisexuality was only ever presented as this liminal phase, a space of transition between two identities. Not something one could wholly and firmly exist in…

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The Harmful Nature of Queerphobic Microaggressions
Identity Megan Willis Identity Megan Willis

The Harmful Nature of Queerphobic Microaggressions

I would describe my mother as conditionally accepting. She loves her gay friends, but she doesn’t really understand the “other letters in that acronym”. She often votes Conservative, and she is a woman who is very set in her ways. These are all reasons that I couldn’t come out to her sooner. I slowly realised that it was also the reason that I had never come out to anyone – the memories of microaggressions in the scared, closeted person’s mind are persistent…

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The Bi-Conundrum: Queer Identity in a Heterosexual Relationship
Identity, Relationships, Queer, LGBTQ+ Megan Willis Identity, Relationships, Queer, LGBTQ+ Megan Willis

The Bi-Conundrum: Queer Identity in a Heterosexual Relationship

I’ve always found women beautiful. But, growing up in the Middle East, I never assumed it had anything to do with my sexuality. I never even met a queer person until I was sixteen. I did not understand what it meant to be queer. When I eventually made this discovery, I started questioning everything I thought I knew about myself…

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