‘Can You Really Be a Queer Muslim?’: Intersectionality and the Complexity of Identity

The Bi-Conundrum: Queer Identity in a Heterosexual Relationship
I’ve always found women beautiful. But, growing up in the Middle East, I never assumed it had anything to do with my sexuality. I never even met a queer person until I was sixteen. I did not understand what it meant to be queer. When I eventually made this discovery, I started questioning everything I thought I knew about myself…

I Am No Longer Subjugating My Queerness: My Struggle Against Internalised Homophobia, Class Anxieties, and Compulsory Heterosexuality
I often experience my internalised homophobia as a kind of funhouse. As I walk through and try to find a way out (or rather, a way to come out), trick mirrors and shifting floors suspend me in a state of endless motion; I lose my path, unable to stare issues directly in the face, constantly ricocheting between and turning from them.