For I Am A Woman

By Olivia Newby

A special acknowledgement to my dear friends Angel, Abbie, Georgia and Wren for sharing their stories that inspired this poem. 


i do not want to be cool, chill or complicit

to be strong, tough and boyish,

for i am a woman.


i do not want to be your ‘mate’ or ‘one of the lads’

encouraging ‘the boys’’ red flags,

for i am a woman.


i do not want to ruin, destroy and deprive

to manipulate, harass and connive;

i do not want to be a danger, a terror and a threat,

a catcaller with no regrets or after-effects

i do not want to strike, pounce and devour,

to attack and abuse my power,

for i am a woman. 


i want to be vulnerable in male presence and to not be left with insecurities and disappointment

i want to experience sexual freedom without male validation being the ultimate requirement

i want to be the defiance against the façade that protects us from the critical masculine lens

i want to trust that the men i hold closest won’t hurt me in the end – my father, my lovers, my friends

i want to be loud and hysterical to my own degree and be silent when i please

i want to love with my entire being and be the kindest to those around me

i want to be comfortable in my delicacy and confident in my ability, 

to be liberated from such manliness that impedes us from being free

for i am a woman that is innocent,

everything a man could never be. 


Gone Girl


Keyboard Smash