The Wonder Once Known Only To The Beguiled
By J.D. Harlock
Come along with me to that cliff by the sea
where the old turbine stands, turning dreamily
We’ll saunter the wastelands, stroll through the wild
glimpse the wonder, known only to the beguiled
Then, neath the paled light, we’ll have sight of it all
Our vined relics are but rough cairns for the fall
Faint remnants of the ills we have now maligned
Shared memories of the lives we must leave behind
But let us not dwell, let us never forget
Lifetimes have been squandered in solemn regret
For, in time, with grace, we continue to learn
And, in these lost lands, life has begun to return
So come along now
And worry not over what could have occurred
Our past preludes a most wonderful world