Happy Girl Winter: How to Overcome Seasonal Depressive Disorder
‘Nobody Deserves To Be Convinced Into Silencing Their Body’s Pain’: My Endometriosis Story
My periods were hot red pokers when I was 16. Until I went on the pill for acne, as my doctor recommended, and it all went away: the pain, the symptoms and the bleeding. I was twenty-three when I decided to come off the pill. The first period after I did was a grasping-the-toilet, puddle-on-the-floor, call-my-mum …mess. I suppose that was the beginning. The first sign. But it was just period pain. Right?
What is Free Bleeding and Why Are We Afraid of It?
For those who don’t know, the principle of free bleeding is simple: a person menstruates without using sanitary products (i.e. tampons, pads) to collect the flow. Those partaking in free bleeding intentionally claim that it’s a movement that aims to alter stigmas behind ‘period accidents’, protest extortionate prices of period products, and highlight environmental issues caused by disposable sanitary products…