‘Can You Really Be a Queer Muslim?’: Intersectionality and the Complexity of Identity

‘How Women Are Heard in Society is Fundamental’: Listening Our Way Out of Gender Inequality
How do we want to be heard? Not as a nag or a hag or a witch, not as a prude or stubborn or spoilt, not as a demanding know-it-all or dumb bimbo. We simply want to be heard as fellow human beings – sometime soon would be nice…

The Witch, The Wicca, and You: A Brief History of a Feminist Symbol
Even though the classic image of the witch – complete with warts, hats, and broomsticks – is European in origin, almost every nation on Earth has some witchery in its mythos. Witchcraft has always been linked to the elements and the magic of the Earth, serving as a way to connect with nature. It is easy to speculate that the practitioners of old were driven by the idea that there must be more to this world than what we see…