‘Can You Really Be a Queer Muslim?’: Intersectionality and the Complexity of Identity

Sexism, Patriarchy and Social Performance: Why Women Should Stop People Pleasing
Acting like this has become second nature to me. My knee-jerk reaction is to be kind to everyone, even when they’re undeserving of my kindness. It’s a performance I’m constantly putting on without even realising it, and, starting today, I’m going to put in the effort to stop unknowingly committing to an act that is detrimental to my well-being and self-respect…

The Wilderness of the True Self: Reflections on Identity
I am not my gender. I am not the colour of my skin. I am not perfect. This wholeness and this bundle of life I carry inside is my identity. My imperfections are my absolute identity. To love is to not deny any part of you. Accepting the light and darkness within you is unconditional love, and it is only through unconditional love we can have an identity that’s cosmic. My identity is divine…