‘Can You Really Be a Queer Muslim?’: Intersectionality and the Complexity of Identity

Would I Fuck Me? The Dark Consequences of Self-Objectification
Identity Megan Willis Identity Megan Willis

Would I Fuck Me? The Dark Consequences of Self-Objectification

Self-objectification makes us assess our appearance round the clock, existing outside our bodies as a pair of critical eyes floating beside us. Suck your belly in; you’ll look sexier. Cross your legs; you’ll look slimmer. I’d never fuck you with that posture. Pull your shoulders back and lift your chin up. We don’t realise we do it – it’s second nature – but much of our precious brain space is hoovered up with efforts to ensure a pleasant visual experience for onlookers…

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We Deserve Better: What We Aren’t Taught About Sex and Consent
Identity Megan Willis Identity Megan Willis

We Deserve Better: What We Aren’t Taught About Sex and Consent

We all know that sexual assault happens. It’s a part of our world, a part of womanhood. We hear stories. We hear whispers. We see it in the news. It’s sifted through the media we consume, often used as a dramatic plotline to bring conflict to a character. From a young age, we’re made aware of stranger danger and to not trust men lurking in the dark. But what about the men we know and trust?

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