‘More Than Just Social Connections’: The Power of Female Friendships as a Source of Strength, Empowerment and Understanding  

By Desiree Lozano


I’ve always considered myself a girls’ girl. It’s always been easy making friends with other females, but it wasn’t until I entered my thirties that I started to reflect on not only the friendships I was fostering in my life, but which ones truly fulfilled me and empowered me – all my girl friends came to mind. Female friendships are more than just social connections; they are a source of strength, empowerment and understanding.


Male friendships are invaluable as well, offering their own unique strengths and shared support, but female friendships create bonds that transcend mere friendship into sisterhood. They delve into the heart and soul of our experiences as women and many times stem from the shared experience of living in a patriarchy. There is so much understanding that is unspoken.


During some of my toughest times, I don’t know how I would’ve coped without the love and support of my female friends. Some I’ve known since kindergarten. Others, I’ve been lucky enough to gain along the journey of life. When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, we had an immense amount of support. I am in awe of seeing the way my aunts came together to offer their support as women. It was astonishing to witness.


The Female Bond: Understanding on a Biological Level


There is a biological connection that some women have and understand in one another. When I used to work retail, it was an all-girls team and those of us who menstruate ended up cycle-syncing from spending a lot of time together. I’d heard of this happening, but once it did, I was so fascinated by it! And that is just one example of how our bodies can communicate and adapt, fostering a stronger sense of unity and empathy among the group. It’s not a stereotype, it’s science!


Jane Fonda so graciously stated that female friendships are very important to our health. She went on to say, ‘Because you guys, you kind of sit side by side and watch sports or cars or women. Women sit facing each other, eye-to-eye, and they say: “I’m in trouble, I need you, can you help me?” We’re not afraid of being vulnerable.’


Sisterhood: An Unbreakable Support System


Female friendships often feel like an extension of family. We become sisters, not by blood but by choice. We stand by each other through the ups and downs of life. From celebrating successes to holding each other up during tough times, my female friends are my constant support system. It's in these friendships that I've found some of the most profound and lasting relationships in my life.


Living in a society that loves to pit women against each other, there is something truly magical when girls uplift other girls. When I was grieving my grandparents’ death, I had a friend who was truly there for me to offer comfort, lend an ear and distract me when needed. It was the most selfless thing I had experienced from someone without having to say, ‘This is what I need.’ She simply knew. My female friendships have taught me that it’s more than okay to be emotional, what it is to be nurtured and nurturing, and how to properly show selfless compassion – qualities that are often undervalued in our society.


Perhaps one of the most potent aspects of female friendships is the way we empower each other. We lift each other up, boost each other’s confidence and remind one another of our worth. In a world that sometimes undermines the power of women, these friendships serve as a resounding affirmation that we are capable of achieving greatness. We are deserving of all the success and happiness in the world.


A Treasure Beyond Compare


In conclusion, female friendships are a source of empowerment, understanding and beauty that enrich our lives in profound ways. They offer a unique bond that transcends mere friendship; it's a sisterhood that celebrates our femininity and brings a depth of connection that's unlike any other. These friendships have taught me the power of vulnerability, the strength of empathy and the beauty of being truly understood.


Here's to the women in my life: the mothers, the boss babes, my sisters. I would not know softness if it weren’t for your friendship and grace. You are my rock, confidantes and inspiration. I am eternally grateful for the beauty you’ve brought into my life.

Desiree Lozano is from a city in West Texas and enjoys anything outdoors and hiking. She is an avid reader and accomplished writer with her own published poetry book. Desiree has a degree in Journalism from New Mexico State and is a mama to three adorable fur babies!


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