Happy Girl Winter: How to Overcome Seasonal Depressive Disorder
Mood Swings, Hormone Imbalances and Dangerous Dieting: My Eating Disorder Journey
Throughout my ED journey, I have come across many others with stories of their own, each one unique. As pessimistic as this may seem, I feel these stories are essential to one’s character. If I hadn’t had anorexia, I wouldn’t be here writing this article and sharing my story. Our stories are what make us who we are, and what make us stronger as people. So, if you or someone you know is struggling, know there are better times to come…
‘I Thought Recovery was Supposed to be Permanent’: Mental Health Is Not Binary, Fixed or Linear
There’s still a stigma around mental health. I had no idea how much until I became aware of how I was relating to myself. Somewhere along the way, I decided that if I ever struggled or needed anyone again, I had failed. I thought that recovery was meant to be permanent and that I should be self-sufficient, that I didn’t deserve any more help or love than I’d already had…
‘Fight, Flight, Fawn’: How Growing Up with Domestic Violence Shaped My Responses as an Adult
One would think that our lives were back to ‘normal’ and on the up. It was only later in life that the cracks began to show in my psyche; I was prone to anxiety (both a low-level strum inside my chest and, rarely, full-blown panic attacks). Now in my late 30s, and after many therapy sessions, it is clear to me that there is still a residual effect from the events that I witnessed…
‘I Began to Question My Sanity’: Dealing with Abusive Relationships and the Aftermath of Trauma
My heart yearns to give, help, and fix. Often, it went unnoticed or unwanted. Patterns of unhealthy, unstable friendships and relationships emerged with the same lesson every time. Yet I still couldn’t grasp what I was doing wrong. It was like Einstein’s Theory of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I was pouring from an empty cup, abusing myself by denying myself the simple things I needed…