Happy Girl Winter: How to Overcome Seasonal Depressive Disorder
‘Progress is an Irregular Path’: Chronic Fatigue and Learning to Live Life Slowly
Does all of this sound boring and repetitive? That's exactly how it feels for me. This repetitive cycle has been draining my youth one day at a time and I feel like I've missed out on a lot of my younger years already. Friends and acquaintances from school and university appear to have interesting lives; I feel like a failure. However, they may be feeling the same – social media doesn't show the whole picture of people's lives…
‘Powerful, Connected, Grateful: How I Learned to Love My Period
‘I Began to Question My Sanity’: Dealing with Abusive Relationships and the Aftermath of Trauma
My heart yearns to give, help, and fix. Often, it went unnoticed or unwanted. Patterns of unhealthy, unstable friendships and relationships emerged with the same lesson every time. Yet I still couldn’t grasp what I was doing wrong. It was like Einstein’s Theory of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I was pouring from an empty cup, abusing myself by denying myself the simple things I needed…